Latest update date: February 13, 10

These days, website translation is more important to businesses than it was in the past. Globalization presents a lot of requirements and challenges for businesses, such as ensuring communication is appropriate for different cultures, where the website is one of the first things consumers see. Companies that have to be in contact with their potential customers and intentions to have an accurate translated website is one of the important marketing tools that a global company should pay attention to.

Furthermore, it is important to ensure international communication is supported by the web and the Internet as these tools are important in targeting specific customers from specific locations speaking different languages. Therefore, one of the essentials in globalization is to have a multilingual website to serve different audiences.

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Is it necessary to design different websites for individual languages, or different pages? When translating websites, do you need a proxy server to handle each language and how do you translate the website?

Website translation is not easy and you need professional help to achieve success. There are many variables and aspects to consider when you decide to embark on website translation. In the international business strategy map, website translation is a step to prepare your website for localization, taking your website further to ensure effective communication to global consumers.

The first aspect you need to consider is finding the right translation company that fits your needs and budget. You cannot use free online translation tools or machine translation to translate your website.

Your concern is accurately translating and tailoring your content to your target market, which requires professional handling by a third-party translation service provider. You need to make a list of your priorities. Most of the consideration is for the end work that the developers will handle, such as proxy servers, Unicode encoding, and latency. Above all, you must understand that website translation means that you will maintain different websites for each language.

Note: Translate web pages for readers not for google to read

Purpose Of Website Translation

This seems like a "stupid" question. But do you know what the translation purpose of a website is for? Websites help you own the web interface and let people know about your company, products and services. But beyond these, you create websites for your valuable customers and provide a solution for their specific needs. Moreover, the website communicates your solutions to potential customers clearly, convincingly and accurately.

You won't have much of a problem having a website in your home country. It's a tool for building customer loyalty and business credibility. But once you intend to expand to the international market, you have to think about expanding your website to cater to different audiences. This means that you should have a website available in the language your target customers speak.

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Problems When Translating Websites

Website translation is expensive and time consuming to complete a professional – accurate website. If you don't have a website development team, then you shouldn't use your own in-house staff. Here are some of the obstacles you may encounter when translating your website into multiple languages.

“Speed ​​to market” is one of the first problems you encounter. Website translation can take several months to complete, especially if your website is translated into several languages. There will be workflow challenges as well as technical complexity, which can cause delays. While you wait for the launch of your multilingual website, your competitors can enter your target market. Your active inbound teams can request immediate digital assets to support their marketing program.

If you decide to do website translation at home, your local team will be overworked and overworked. You cannot expect them to handle the translation of your website as they are not professional translators and their language knowledge may be limited. The internal processes of website translation will be beyond their skill set.

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Using your own in-house staff can increase website translation costs. With their limited knowledge, you will end up hiring website developers, translators, editors, and proofreaders who may offer to start translating again. You will need people to judge which sites are good.

In addition to the technical aspects of the website, you must consider the languages ​​you choose to make the site multilingual. Each language or dialect has many linguistic and cultural nuances. Unless you are a linguist, this is something that can be beyond your language abilities, even if you are bilingual. Likewise, what would you do with the other languages ​​on your list?

When you work with an international audience, your website requires more than just a simple translation. You need to localize the site, it's not just the translation. Target customers in different countries want and expect an exceptional website experience. They want something believable, with a website that speaks to them in their language and more.

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Your website design will also change, as some languages ​​translate into shorter or longer forms. The direction of the written language will also have to be considered, as some are written from left to right, while others are presented vertically.'

Professional Website Translation Company

Maintaining a website today is more demanding and time consuming to have a website that attracts a large number of domestic and foreign customers. If you have a website in multiple languages, think about the amount of time you will spend translating global content into different languages. To make it easier for you, it is advisable to work with a professional translation company that fully understands the requirements of website translation normally to keep content current. With the above sharing, Idichthuat Hope you can choose for yourself one Professional - fast - reputable website translation company in Vietnam today.

Contact us today for the fastest service quote and consultation.

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