Latest update date: February 02, 02

Translation services - SEO standard content editing

“Writing standard SEO articles” is always a hot search keyword for Marketers, especially in recent years when Google constantly changes the search algorithm, causing every SEOer to have a headache how to get the article up. top, increase views, push traffic, increase revenue.

What is standard SEO article?

When it comes to SEO standards, people often think that this is the type of article that is cleverly inserted keywords in some important places, with a natural density to be favored to rank high in the search engine bar.

However, if the websites race to use the keyword insertion trick to adapt to the search engines, pushing the rankings to the first page without quality content (easy to read, easy to understand, useful to viewers, etc.) ), will not only face the risk of being handled directly by Google, but also make readers feel uncomfortable and tired.

If you only need new articles without caring about the reader's experience, it is completely WRONG with the true purpose of SEO to attract potential customers and bring in sales.

Cheap Google SEO standard article writing service

“Content is King”, “Unique or die” – no one in the SEO world does not hear these two sayings every day. An article has a lasting effect only when it has SEO keyword density and attractive content that are effectively harmonized. In order to have good content, the writer needs to have an understanding of the product, the target audience, the market requirements, the stage and the development goals of the business, etc. Therefore, writing a good article. The best SEO standard in the Gulf of Tonkin is not terribly difficult, but it is not easy either.

Here are some principles of standard SEO articles worth referring to

Ask questions before you pen

Know you know me, a hundred battles a hundred wins. Before writing a review or promoting a product, SEOer needs to find out who the audience is, what they need to read on your website, and how the product will attract them.

To write the first line, ask yourself: What needs does the reader need this product/service to solve? Does this product/service solve that problem? How? More than other possible ways?

Answering the above questions, readers find it reasonable and necessary, they will naturally continue reading. Here we explain more about the product. How to use it? How easy is it to operate? Additional benefits? Utility support?

When an SEO article completely meets the above questions, it has met the requirements of both readers.

Build a solid keyword framework

Most potential customers visit an SEO article when they actively search for keywords on Google to solve some need and click on the first few results.

To stay in these “first few results” is a fierce competition. Inserting keywords on the top is for this important step, because no matter how good your content is, if no one sees it and reads it, it will be a waste of money. Search algorithms can change, but basically, SEO standards have immutable principles.

  • Title: Contains the main keyword at the beginning, briefly, into the focus of the article
  • Description: Contains the main keyword, attractive, hits the reader's psychology
  • Images, meta Translation Agency: clearly describe the content, contain primary or secondary keywords
  • Content: at least 300 words but limited to too long (more than 1200 words), causing lazy reading (Too long don't read syndrome), in which cleverly interweaving main and secondary keywords especially at the beginning and end posts. Moderate density, about 2-5%.
  • Affiliate links (inside the website or quality backlinks going out): Can lead some related links with some similar keywords in the article or connect to web 2.0, social media, video channels, PR articles ….

Build real content

At the same time, the writer needs to comply with the AIDA standard for the content (ATTENTION - INTEREST - DESIRE - ACTION). The title needs to attract attention, the description is interesting enough to pave the way to the article section – the part that answers the questions posed above, helping readers satisfy their needs. Finally, a strong call to action or psychological stimulation to buy.

A small note: The best content is always the content that is written from the user's perspective, sharing, feeling, encouraging, rather than just dry information.

Translation services - content editing according to SEO standards
Translation services - SEO standard content editing

Thus, a successful SEO standard article must combine smoothly and fully these two standards to be both suitable for the reader and to meet the requirements of the search engine's optimal algorithm. It seems simple, but not everyone can do it. In today's competitive information age, it is not difficult to see that more and more individuals/business groups, large and small companies decide to cooperate with professional SEO services to get the best articles.

We have a team of professional translators and editors who are ready to serve the needs of constantly updating articles on your website!

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