Latest update date: February 21, 06

A complete reference for students and professionals alike, perfect for university coursework and for those in business looking to research and understand customer needs, wants, attitudes and behaviors. customers – all of which will increase customer base, brand loyalty and sales.

Report on customer needs, wants, attitudes and behaviors

English files:

Author and professor of communication Maria Siano, Ph.D. (John Hopkins, Rutgers) have expertly crafted the most concise and organized tool for the need to understand aspects of consumer behavior in 6 pages.

Report on customer needs, wants, attitudes and behaviors 1 Report on customer needs, wants, attitudes and behaviors 2 Report on customer needs, wants, attitudes and behaviors 3 Report on customer needs, wants, attitudes and behaviors 4 Report on customer needs, wants, attitudes and behaviors 5 Report on customer needs, wants, attitudes and behaviors 6

Overview Purpose History Core

Consumer behavior:

  • The process by which a buyer considers or purchases a product or service.
  • Social, psychological and cultural factors can influence consumer behaviour.

Consumer behavior serves two main purposes:

  • Researching consumer behavior allows businesses to understand why buyers search for and make purchases of particular deals.
  • Understanding consumer behavior enables businesses to make informed decisions about public relations, marketing, sales and advertising strategies.

Consumer behavior research emerged in the 1940s, along with other research in the field of communication:

  • Consumer behavior is within the scope of marketing.
  • Consumer behavior uses an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on concepts from media, psychology, sociology, and anthropology.

The basic elements of consumer behavior:

  • Create more value for customers
  • Understand customer needs and wants
  • Seeking customer/brand loyalty

Designed so you can find the answers you need quickly, providing an overview of the topic of customer behavior from start to finish.

English files:

Vietnamese translation (by in the community translation project series):

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