Latest update date: February 06, 08

Legal Translation Terms English – Vietnamese (P3 – Rhyme D)


+ Damages /'dӕmidӡ/, /de-mids/: Damage, loss, compensation tiền Amount claimed by a party or ordered by a court to compensate for injury or loss

• Agravated Damages: Compensation decided by the court to compensate the plaintiff (the petitioner) suffering from wrongdoing.

• General Damages: Compensation for non-quantifiable loss such as causing pain, suffering, loss of function.

Nominal Damages: Minimum Compensation, Symbolic Compensation.

Minimum compensation for minor injury or small loss.

• Non-Pecuniary Damages: Compensation for injury

Compensation for loss cannot be quantified in money, for example, compensation for pain physical and mental.

• Pecuniary damages: Material compensation

Compensation can be determined in monetary terms such as medical bills for the treatment of injuries.

• Punitive damages: Compensation for punitive purposes

Compensation for damages is decided by the court to punish acts of hateful, willful misconduct harm.

• Special damages: Special damages

Compensation for economic losses such as loss of income, property damage and medical expenses.

De Novo (Hearing): The trial was retried

+ Debtor /'detə/, /debtor/: Debtor, debtor

• Declaration: Judgment of the court

A part of a judgment, or court decision that states the rights and obligations of the parties in a case lawsuit or court opinion on a matter of law.

+ Defense /di'fens/: Defense, justification

Denied the charges, pleaded not guilty.

Defense Counsel: Lawyers defend in court

+ Defendant /di'fendənt/, /di-fend-dan/: Defendant (person being sued), accused, defendant

The person being sued in a civil action or the defendant in a criminal case.

+ Dependent /di'pendənt/, /di-pendnt/: Dependent

Persons living on benefits, for example elderly parents who receive benefits from their adult children.

+ Deponent /di'pounənt/, /di-pounn/:

The person who witnesses after being sworn in, the person who writes the affidavit under oath.

+ Deposition /,depə'ziʃn/, /de-pô-zí-pân/: Sworn testimony session

• Direct Evidence: Direct evidence

Provided by the witness in the testimony. A witness is someone who has seen, heard, or contact with the suspect.

• Direct Examination: Interrogation

Witness interrogation caused by plaintiff's request for witness to court

+ Discharge /dis'tʃa:dӡ/: acquittal, exoneration

Offenders will not have a criminal record and will be subject to other punishments instead of imprisonment (for criminal law the).

• Absolute discharge: A complete, unconditional discharge

Despite being accused of a crime, the defendant has not been convicted and will not have a criminal record a year.

• Conditional Discharge: Conditional Discharge

If the defendant meets the specific conditions set forth by the court, there will be no conviction and no have a criminal record after 3 years from the date of the exoneration order.

+ Disclosure /dis'klouӡə/, /dis-klougi/:

Disclosure of documents and information during the trial.

+ Discovery /dis'kᴧvəri/, /dis-kấvəri/:

Mandatory disclosure of documents and information required for litigation.

+ Dismissal /dis'misəl/, /dis-mís-so/: Rejection

The court's decision to end the case or criminal charge.

+ Disposition /,dispə'ziʃn/, /dis-pô-zí-court/: Judgment

The court's final decision on a criminal case or charge.

+ Diversion /dai'və:ʃn/, /belt-socks-pitch/:

Refers to reducing the severity of the case in some specific cases. Accused not go to court but be punished, in the case of juvenile delinquency.

• Division of Property:

Division of assets and financial responsibilities (money owed) upon separation, divorce or death.

+ Divorce /di'vɔ:s/, /di-vós/: Divorce

Legal termination of marriage by court order under the laws of a country.

+ Docket /'dɔkit/, /đok-kit/: Trial records, lawsuit files

(1) Judgment notebook.
(2) Record the time the attorney resolves the client's case.

• Domestic Violence: Domestic Violence

Any abusive, violent, coercive or threatening words or actions by a person towards another person in the family. Violence against an intimate partner is also considered domestic abuse.

+ Duress /djuə'res/, /dieu-rés/: Coercion, coercion

Situation when a person performs or is prevented from performing an action under threat by violence, or pressure from another person.

• Duty Counsel: Appointed Attorney

Lawyers work for the government, providing legal assistance to people who go to court without a lawyer representation, often involving family law and criminal law matters.

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English - Vietnamese Legal Translation Terms (P1 - Rhyme A)

English-Vietnamese Legal Translation Terms (P2 – Rhymes B -C)

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