Legal Translation Terms English – Vietnamese (P3 – Rhyme D)
+ Damages /'dӕmidӡ/, /de-mids/: Damage, loss, compensation tiền Amount claimed by a party or ordered by a court to compensate for injury or loss
• Agravated Damages: Compensation decided by the court to compensate the plaintiff (the petitioner) suffering from wrongdoing.
• General Damages: Compensation for non-quantifiable loss such as causing pain, suffering, loss of function.
• Nominal Damages: Minimum Compensation, Symbolic Compensation.
Minimum compensation for minor injury or small loss.
• Non-Pecuniary Damages: Compensation for injury
Compensation for loss cannot be quantified in money, for example, compensation for pain physical and mental.
• Pecuniary damages: Material compensation
Compensation can be determined in monetary terms such as medical bills for the treatment of injuries.
• Punitive damages: Compensation for punitive purposes
Compensation for damages is decided by the court to punish acts of hateful, willful misconduct harm.
• Special damages: Special damages
Compensation for economic losses such as loss of income, property damage and medical expenses.
De Novo (Hearing): The trial was retried
+ Debtor /'detə/, /debtor/: Debtor, debtor
• Declaration: Judgment of the court
A part of a judgment, or court decision that states the rights and obligations of the parties in a case lawsuit or court opinion on a matter of law.
+ Defense /di'fens/: Defense, justification
Denied the charges, pleaded not guilty.
Defense Counsel: Lawyers defend in court
+ Defendant /di'fendənt/, /di-fend-dan/: Defendant (person being sued), accused, defendant
The person being sued in a civil action or the defendant in a criminal case.
+ Dependent /di'pendənt/, /di-pendnt/: Dependent
Persons living on benefits, for example elderly parents who receive benefits from their adult children.
+ Deponent /di'pounənt/, /di-pounn/:
The person who witnesses after being sworn in, the person who writes the affidavit under oath.
+ Deposition /,depə'ziʃn/, /de-pô-zí-pân/: Sworn testimony session
• Direct Evidence: Direct evidence
Provided by the witness in the testimony. A witness is someone who has seen, heard, or contact with the suspect.
• Direct Examination: Interrogation
Witness interrogation caused by plaintiff's request for witness to court
+ Discharge /dis'tʃa:dӡ/: acquittal, exoneration
Offenders will not have a criminal record and will be subject to other punishments instead of imprisonment (for criminal law the).
• Absolute discharge: A complete, unconditional discharge
Despite being accused of a crime, the defendant has not been convicted and will not have a criminal record a year.
• Conditional Discharge: Conditional Discharge
If the defendant meets the specific conditions set forth by the court, there will be no conviction and no have a criminal record after 3 years from the date of the exoneration order.
+ Disclosure /dis'klouӡə/, /dis-klougi/:
Disclosure of documents and information during the trial.
+ Discovery /dis'kᴧvəri/, /dis-kấvəri/:
Mandatory disclosure of documents and information required for litigation.
+ Dismissal /dis'misəl/, /dis-mís-so/: Rejection
The court's decision to end the case or criminal charge.
+ Disposition /,dispə'ziʃn/, /dis-pô-zí-court/: Judgment
The court's final decision on a criminal case or charge.
+ Diversion /dai'və:ʃn/, /belt-socks-pitch/:
Refers to reducing the severity of the case in some specific cases. Accused not go to court but be punished, in the case of juvenile delinquency.
• Division of Property:
Division of assets and financial responsibilities (money owed) upon separation, divorce or death.
+ Divorce /di'vɔ:s/, /di-vós/: Divorce
Legal termination of marriage by court order under the laws of a country.
+ Docket /'dɔkit/, /đok-kit/: Trial records, lawsuit files
(1) Judgment notebook.
(2) Record the time the attorney resolves the client's case.
• Domestic Violence: Domestic Violence
Any abusive, violent, coercive or threatening words or actions by a person towards another person in the family. Violence against an intimate partner is also considered domestic abuse.
+ Duress /djuə'res/, /dieu-rés/: Coercion, coercion
Situation when a person performs or is prevented from performing an action under threat by violence, or pressure from another person.
• Duty Counsel: Appointed Attorney
Lawyers work for the government, providing legal assistance to people who go to court without a lawyer representation, often involving family law and criminal law matters.
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English - Vietnamese Legal Translation Terms (P1 - Rhyme A)
English-Vietnamese Legal Translation Terms (P2 – Rhymes B -C)
English - Vietnamese Legal Translation Terms (P4 - Rhyme E)
English-Vietnamese Legal Translation Terms (P5 – V – G – H – I)
Terms of Legal Translation English - Vietnamese (P6 - Rhymes J - L)
English - Vietnamese Legal Translation Terms (P7 – M – N – O)
Legal Translation Terms English - Vietnamese (P8 - Rhyme P)
English - Vietnamese Legal Translation Terms (P9 – Q – R – S)
English - Vietnamese Legal Translation Terms (P10 – V – U – V – W – Y)
Nguyen Trung Khang - Talented interpreter and translator, passionate about translation
Nguyen Trung Khang is a talented interpreter and translator, with many years of experience in the field of translation and linguistics. He graduated from Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, majoring in Linguistics in 2015.
After graduating, Mr. Khang participated in a professional interpretation and interpretation training course at the University of Foreign Languages - Hanoi National University. He achieved a high-level certificate in interpreting and interpreting, and was also awarded a master's degree in linguistics.