Latest update date: February 03, 10

Preparing a presentation is hard enough and you'll be speaking in front of an international audience a whole lot more difficult. If you do not speak the language fluently, you will lose confidence in public. But overcoming the language barrier is possible. You just need the right planning, understanding and approach with confidence and creativity. In this article, we'll share seven essential tips to make your presentation to an international audience a success.

Notify the Organizer Aware of the Situation

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Talk to your organizer about the language barrier. Will they provide on-site language interpretation or ensure your presentation slides are translated? Your audience can include people from all over the world who speak all different languages.

You should stay in touch while you prepare your documents and agree on a workflow that allows both you and the other person to work. translate perform well.

Adapting Materials for an International Audience

Every culture is different. If you want to make your presentation effective and memorable, consider researching local preferences and customs related to presentation. For example, Chinese entrepreneurs often prefer presentations that go from general to specific.

If you plan on leading your presentation with a bit of humor, make sure your jokes don't offend your audience. It's all about finding an answer between who and what you are, and what your audience finds interesting and engaging.

Learn About Feedback & Body Language

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If you're giving a live presentation, research what to expect in terms of body language and audience response. In some cultures, it is very common for people to applaud after a speaker has made a sharp and eloquent statement. In some cultures that won't happen, and approval can be expressed in more subtle ways. Knowing what to expect will prevent you from making false assumptions about the effect your words are having on your audience.

You should also have a cross-cultural insight into your own body language. Hand gestures that you consider innocuous can be deeply offensive to your audience. Even if you're presenting online, if you're on camera, make sure your body language is culturally appropriate.

Localize Presentation Slides For International Audiences

Checking in on your own body language is part of cultural awareness and makes sure you don't get out of tune. However you should also analyze and localize your supporting documentation. Localization is different and more comprehensive than translation, and involves the adjustment of all aspects of the content. This includes slides that combine colors and images. For instance, if your slides feature images of people, a localization expert will make sure they're wearing culturally appropriate attire.

Talk to your organizer about the slides that will be translated or localized, and what changes they may need you to make to facilitate the process.

Slow Speed

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The speed of your speech should not be dictated by your own personal style as a speaker, or by the speed of the interpreter, but also by the preferred rhythm of your target audience. Some audiences may prefer a fast-paced, energetic speech. Others may prefer a slower and calmer approach.

Finding out about your audience's interests is pretty easy. For example, if you are giving a presentation in India, find great presentations given by Indians to an Indian audience and see if you can refer.

Make Sure What You Say Is Translatable

Be aware of how your own culture and dialect can make your presentation less accessible to foreigners and edit accordingly. Your interpreter may be an international innovator in technical or business translations, but they will have a particularly difficult time if your speech is full of untranslatable jargon.

Note: How Creative Translation Helps Businesses Reach Foreign Customers

Show Joyful Emotions When Presenting

A great speaker can make even the most difficult, complex topic interesting and easy to understand. If you have the opportunity to give an international presentation, you can be great at what you do. Do not hesitate to step out of the script to confidently bring emotions to the audience. You should take the time to learn pronunciation because it inspires listeners and shows a level of professionalism.

You are viewing the article A Guide To Presenting To An International Audience of Idichthut. Hopefully the article will help you gain more experience, good knowledge when speaking. If you have any needs or questions about translation, please contact us to receive the best support.

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